Gunsmoke And Blazing Saddles Crossover

(Everything in this post was generated by AI.) FADE IN: EXT. DODGE CITY - DAY The dusty streets of Dodge City bustle with life as a stagecoach rolls in. The driver reins in the horses as Sheriff Matt Dillon steps forward to greet the passengers. MATT: Welcome to Dodge City, folks. What brings you to our humble town? The passengers exit the stagecoach, revealing Bart, the Waco Kid, and Jim, otherwise known as "The Jim" in his signature cowboy hat and fringed jacket. BART: We're looking for a place to settle down and call home. MATT: Well, we'd be happy to have you here in Dodge. Just don't go stirring up any trouble. Suddenly, a gang of outlaws ride into town, led by the infamous Hedley Lamarr. HEDLEY: Alright, boys, let's show these Dodge City folks who's boss! MATT: Not so fast, Lamarr. I won't stand for any trouble in my town. HEDLEY: (laughs) What are you going to do about it, Sheriff? BART steps forward, twirling his gun. BART: Maybe we can show y...