Batman and Robin Vs Mae West
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It was a typical day in Gotham City, and Batman and Robin were on patrol, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity. Suddenly, they received an alert from the Gotham City Bank, reporting a robbery in progress. Batman and Robin immediately rushed to the scene, ready to stop the culprit.
As they arrived at the bank, they saw a woman dressed in a sparkly gown and a feather boa exiting the building. It was none other than Mae West, the notorious actress and sex symbol.
"Stop right there, Mae West!" shouted Batman, drawing his Batarang.
"Well, hello there, handsome," Mae West replied with a sultry smile. "I didn't know Batman and Robin were such big fans of mine."
"We're not here to admire your acting skills, Miss West," said Robin. "You're under arrest for robbing the bank."
Mae West laughed. "You don't know the half of it, boys. I had a little help from a friend."
Suddenly, Superman flew down from the sky, landing next to Mae West. "That's right, fellas," he said. "Mae and I go way back. I couldn't resist helping her out with a little bank heist."
Batman and Robin were stunned. They had never imagined that Superman, the hero of Metropolis, would be assisting a criminal.
"We can't let you get away with this, Superman," said Batman. "You're supposed to be a symbol of justice and truth, not a criminal accomplice."
Superman just shrugged. "Hey, everyone needs a little excitement in their lives, even me. And besides, it's not like Mae and I were hurting anyone."
Batman and Robin looked at each other, unsure of what to do. They knew they couldn't take on Superman alone.
Suddenly, Mae West spoke up. "You know what, boys? I'm feeling generous. Why don't I give you a little something for your trouble?"
She reached into her purse and pulled out a handful of jewels, tossing them at Batman and Robin. As they scrambled to catch them, Mae and Superman took off into the sky, laughing.
Batman and Robin were left standing there, surrounded by the scattered jewels, feeling a little bit defeated. But they knew they couldn't give up. They had to find a way to stop Mae West and Superman before they caused even more trouble in Gotham City.
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