Selena Gomez and Veronica Lake

(Everything in this post was generated by AI.) The scene opens in a busy city park, with Selena Gomez jogging through the winding pathways. As she rounds a corner, she bumps into a woman with long blonde hair, causing both of them to tumble to the ground. Selena: Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Woman: (in a sultry, old Hollywood accent) Of course, darlin'. Just watch where you're going next time. Selena: (recognizing the woman) Oh my gosh, you're Veronica Lake! I'm such a huge fan! Veronica: (smiling) Well, it's always nice to meet a fan. What brings you to the park? Selena: I come here to jog every day. It helps me clear my head and get ready for the day. Veronica: (nodding) I can see that. You're certainly looking fit. Selena: (grinning) Thanks! I try to stay in shape. As they chat, a group of skateboarders zoom by, causing Selena to trip and fall into a nearby pond. She emerges, sputtering and soaking wet. Veronica: (laughing) Well, I suppose that's...